Compare Trends in kinematics and SLIP parameters

last edits:

  • Feb 14, 2014: Created Notebook
  • April 23, 2014: Computed new trend statistics as discussed in Skype
  • May 9, 2014: added "Independent Slow Feature Analysis"


This notebook creates numbers and figures about the statistical significance of the presence of trends.


Step 1: initialize notebook


In [1]:
# --- run required cells automatically? :) (notebook must be stored for this!)

import as mio
import mutils.misc as mi
import mutils.FDatAn as fda

# load basic config
%cd /home/moritz/mmnotebooks
nb_name = 'AnkleSLIP - find minimal model- Version 3.ipynb'

mi.run_nbcells(nb_name, ['0'])
conf.subject = 3
conf.quiet = True

conf.startup_compute_PCA = False

mi.run_nbcells(nb_name, ['1']) # load data
               #['0.1','1', ]

print "\nnotebook initialized"

_saveables                 list (10)        list of types that can be stored
cslip_forceZeroRef         bool  True       reference values for controlled SLIP maps must be zero or not
dt_medfilter               bool  False      
dt_window                  int  30          
exclude_IC_from_factors    bool  False      
n_factors                  int  5           how many (optimal) factors to select of the full kinematic state
normalize_m                bool  True       
po_average_over_IC         bool  True       average over IC's and T,ymin (alt: parameters) for reference SLIP
quiet                      bool  False      
select_ankle_SLIP          bool  True       
startup_compute_PCA        bool  False      
startup_compute_full_maps  bool  True       
startup_n_full_maps        int  20          
subject                    int  2           
ttype                      int  1           

notebook initialized

step 2: use SFA for detrending


In [8]:
# prepare data
dat_r = ws1.dataset_full.all_kin_r
dat_r -= mean(dat_r, axis=0)

dat_l = ws1.dataset_full.all_kin_l
dat_l -= mean(dat_l, axis=0)

In [2]:
# use mdp toolkit
if False: # re-implemented manually
    import mdp

    # other possible methods:
    #SF = mdp.nodes.SFANode() # slow feature analysis
    #IC = mdp.nodes.FastICANode() # independent component analysis
    ISFR = mdp.nodes.SFANode()
    ISFL = mdp.nodes.SFANode()

    # perform ISFA and train nodes
    isfa_r = ISFR(dat_r)
    isfa_l = ISFL(dat_l)

In [3]:
# SFA finally yields a linear transformation of the data, as you can see here:
# -> fit the (zero-mean) input and output data:
# A = dot(isfa_r.T, pinv(dat_r.T))
# -> compare to transformation matrix of SFA node: (called "sf")
# allclose(A.T, ISFR.sf)
# -> new data are orthonormal (up to constant scale):
#sfd = ISFR(dat_r)
#allclose(dot(sfd.T, sfd)/ (sfd.shape[0]-1), eye(sfd.shape[1]) )  # -> covariance is proportional to unity matrix!

manual implementation of SFA:

  1. Subtract the mean of the data
    this is already done above
  2. PCA of dat_r.T:
    $U S V = \mathrm{svd}(dat_r^T)$
  3. $V$ is now (up to scale) the "whitened data"
  4. Compute derivative of $V$ ("gradient" or "diff")
    $V' = \mathrm{gradient}(V, axis=1)$
  5. Compute the PCA of of $V'$:
    $U_p S_p V_p = \mathrm{svd}(V')$
  6. The "slowest" directions are now the last principal axes of $V'$, indicated by the last columns of $U_p$ (i.e. $U_p [:,-n]$). This vector represents the slowest direction in the "whitened data".
  7. The representation of this axis in original space is $U S U_p[:,-n]$.
  8. To project on this vector, multiply with it's scaled transpose $U_p[:,-n]^T S^- U^T$, where $S^-$ is the diagonal with elements $1/s$.
  9. Do do this for all directions, the corresponding (full) matrix is $G = U_p^T S^- U^T$, or, if you would like the first components to be the slowest: $G' = U_p[:,::-1]^T S^- U^T$

In [47]:
# manually implement SFA
# compute "whitened" data v using PCA
def SFA(dat, nskip=0):
    implements slow feature analysis
        dat (n-by-p array): matrix with n observations of p dimensions; 
            MUST BE ZERO-MEAN
        nskip (int): remove the <nskip> slowest axes from the data
        sdat (n-by-p array): re-ordered data (ordered by slowness)
        smat (p-by-p array): corresponding scaling matrix: sdat = dat * smat.T
        lpmat (p-by-p array): to discard the slowest <nskip> dimensions, use: ldat = dat * lpmat.T
    u, s, v = svd(dat.T, full_matrices=False)
    # compute time derivative of whitened data
    vprime = vstack([diff(v[row, :]) for row in range(v.shape[0])])
    # compute "fastest" and "slowest" axes, using PCA (axes with maximal / minimal magnitude)
    up, sp, vp = svd(vprime, full_matrices=False)
    # compute matrix that projects original data onto these axes
    cmat = reduce(dot,[up[:,::-1].T, diag(1./s), u.T])
    # the result (here: sdat) is now ordered by slowness, the first columns representing the slowest parts
    sdatr = dot(cmat, dat.T).T

    # construct corresponding detrending filter:
    anmat = eye(dat.shape[1]) # annulation matrix for first n rows 
    if nskip > 0:
        anmat[:nskip, :nskip] = 0
    lpmat = reduce(dot,[u, diag(s),up[:,::-1] ,anmat, up[:,::-1].T, diag(1./s), u.T])

    return dot(dat, cmat.T), cmat, lpmat

In [48]:
lpdat_r, cmat_r, lpmat_r = SFA(dat_r, 7)
lpdat_l, cmat_l, lpmat_l = SFA(dat_l, 7)

# detrend data, again, to show how to use the code
lpdat = dot(lpmat_r, dat_r.T).T # "lowpassed" data
trend = dat_r - lpdat

# visualize
vdim = 0 # com z
import scipy.signal as sig
plot(lpdat[:, vdim] + .025,'r+', label='detrended data')
plot(sig.medfilt(lpdat[:, vdim], 21) + .025,'r-',lw=3)
plot(dat_r[:, vdim],'g+', label='original data')
plot(sig.medfilt(dat_r[:, vdim], 21),'g-', lw=3)
plot(trend[:, vdim] + .05,'b+', label='trend')

xlabel('stride #')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7feaac963a50>

In [12]:
rvar = var(trend, axis=0)/var(dat_r, axis=0)
xlabel('coordinate #')
title('variance of trend / total variance' )

assert(len(ws1.dataset_full.kin_labels) == dat_r.shape[1])
print "coordinates with high trend:"
for dim in range(dat_r.shape[1]):
    if rvar[dim] > .4:
        print ws1.dataset_full.kin_labels[dim], ": ", rvar[dim]

coordinates with high trend:
l_wrl_x - com_x :  0.418844617874
l_kne_y - com_y :  0.478844844011
l_mtv_z - com_z :  0.509358473579
l_anl_z - com_z :  0.468053356474
v_r_kne_y - com_y :  0.457694309074
v_r_anl_z - com_z :  0.41307568216
v_l_mtv_z - com_z :  0.511751356708
v_l_anl_z - com_z :  0.43074064764

In [14]:
# visualize "slowness components"
for dim in range(40):
    plot(lpdat_r[:, dim] / (5*std(lpdat_r[:, dim])) + dim,',' )
ylim(-1, 41)
xlabel('stride #')
ylabel('score on coordinate #, ordered by slowness')

In [41]:
#import  as sio
# sio.savemat('sfa_demo.mat', {'dat1' : ws1.dataset_full.all_kin_r, 'dat2' :ws1.dataset_full.all_kin_l }, do_compression=True)

In [49]:
# eigenvalues of new data's return maps
_, _, lpmat_r = SFA(dat_r, 10)
_, _, lpmat_l = SFA(dat_l, 10)
odat_r = dot(dat_r, lpmat_r.T)
odat_l = dot(dat_l, lpmat_l.T)

_, maps, _ = fda.fitData(odat_r[:-1,:],odat_r[1:,:], nrep=50, rcond=1e-8)

_, m1, _ = fda.fitData(odat_r, odat_l, nrep=50, rcond=1e-8)
_, m2, _ = fda.fitData(odat_l[:-1, :], odat_r[1:, :], nrep=50, rcond=1e-8)

In [50]:
cmaps = [dot(m2_, m1_) for m1_, m2_ in zip(m1, m2)]

vi1 = ut.VisEig(127)
vi2 = ut.VisEig(127)
for A in maps:
for A in cmaps:

# radius of "pure iid white noise data"
r_noise = sqrt(odat_l.shape[1]/((1-exp(-1))*odat_l.shape[0]))
tn = linspace(0,2*pi,50)
plot(r_noise*sin(tn), r_noise*cos(tn),'r',lw=2, label='est. noise floor')
title('single section map')
title('two-section based map')

(-1, 1)

In [35]:
import mutils.FDatAn as fda

In [36]:
# compare predictive power of full and detrended data
ldat_r = fda.dt_movingavg(dat_r, 25)
ldat_l = fda.dt_movingavg(dat_l, 25)

v1r = st.predTest(dat_r, dat_l,)
v2r = st.predTest(odat_r, odat_l)
v3r = st.predTest(ldat_r, ldat_l)
v1l = st.predTest(dat_l[:-1,:], dat_r[1:,:])
v2l = st.predTest(odat_l[:-1,:], odat_r[1:,:])
v3l = st.predTest(ldat_l[:-1,:], ldat_r[1:,:])
v1st = st.predTest(dat_r[:-1,:], dat_r[1:,:])
v2st = st.predTest(odat_r[:-1,:], odat_r[1:,:])

In [39]:
plot(mean(v1r, axis=0),'kd', label='original')
plot(mean(v2r, axis=0),'rd', label='detrended (new)')
plot(mean(v3r, axis=0),'gd', label='detrended (old)')
title('predicting left apex')
ylabel('rel. rem. var.')
plot([0, v1r.shape[1]],[1, 1],'k--')

plot(mean(v1l, axis=0),'kd', label='original data')
plot(mean(v2l, axis=0),'rd', label='detrended data (new)')
plot(mean(v3l, axis=0),'gd', label='detrended data (old)')
title('predicting right apex')
plot([0, v1l.shape[1]],[1, 1],'k--')

plot(mean(v1st, axis=0),'kd', label='original data')
plot(mean(v2st, axis=0),'rd', label='detrended data (new)')
title('predicting 1 stride')
plot([0, v1st.shape[1]],[1, 1],'k--')




In [ ]:
# compute PCAs
if True:
    d1d = ws1.k.make_1D(nps=50,)[:, 100:]    
    d1m = mean(d1d, axis=0)
    d1d -= d1m
    u,s,v = svd(d1d, full_matrices=False)

In [ ]:
# visualize

for pc in range(5):
    if pc==0:
        title('scores on the principal components of the motion')    
    plot(u.T[pc, :] / std(u.T[pc, :]),'k.', markersize=2)
    ylabel('pc #%i' % (pc+1))
    if pc<4:
        xlabel('stride number')
savefig('img/pc_s{}.png'.format(conf.subject), dpi=300)

In [ ]:
p1 = u.T[0,:]
p2 = u.T[1,:]
p3 = u.T[2,:]

dt1 = fda.dt_movingavg(p1, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
dt2 = fda.dt_movingavg(p2, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
dt3 = fda.dt_movingavg(p3, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)

print "ratio of std(trend) / std(local variance)"
print std(p1 - dt1) / std(dt1)
print std(p2 - dt2) / std(dt2)
print std(p3 - dt3) / std(dt3)

In [ ]:
# make ar-similar process in cython (10-times faster than python)
%load_ext cythonmagic

In [ ]:
%%cython -lm

import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np

from libc.math cimport sqrt # much, much faster than np.sqrt

def cy_ar_similar(np.ndarray[np.float_t, ndim=1] data):
    cdef np.ndarray[np.float_t, ndim=1] dat
#    cdef double uv  # unused variable
#    out = np.zeros(data.shape[0],dtype=np.float64)
#    for idx in range(data.shape[0]):
#        out[idx] = k*(sqrt(data[idx,0]**2 + data[idx,1]**2) - l0)
#    return out

    dat = data - np.mean(data)
    alpha =[1:], dat[:-1]) / sqrt([1:], dat[1:]) *[:-1],
    #res = ar_process(len(dat), alpha).squeeze()
    res = np.zeros_like(dat)
    xi = np.random.randn(len(dat))
    for x in range(len(dat)):
        res[x] = res[x-1] * alpha + xi[x]
    #return res
    res = res - np.mean(res)
    return res / np.std(res) * np.std(dat) + np.mean(data)

In [ ]:
dat = randn(1000)
d1 = fda.dt_movingavg(dat, 15, False)
d2 = fda.dt_movingavg(dat[:, newaxis], 15, False).squeeze()
print "equal:", allclose(d1, d2)

In [ ]:
def trend(dat):
    tr = dat - fda.dt_movingavg(dat, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
    return std(tr)

ninner = 10000
print "subject", conf.subject
print "right step params:"
for dim in range(5):    
    dat = ws1.dataset_full.all_param_r[:,dim]
    t0 = trend(dat)
    all_t = [trend(dat[permutation(len(dat))]) for rep in range(ninner)]
    all_ts = [trend(cy_ar_similar(dat)) for rep in range(ninner)]
    print "param", dim, ", randomized: delta in stds:", (t0 - mean(all_t)) /  std(all_t),     
    qtr = array(all_t)
    print " in quantiles:", (argmin(abs(qtr - t0)) + 1) / float(ninner)    
    print "param", dim, ", ar_similar: delta in stds:", (t0 - mean(all_ts)) /  std(all_ts), 
    qtr = array(all_ts)
    print " in quantiles:", (argmin(abs(qtr - t0)) + 1) / float(ninner)

print "left step params:"
for dim in range(5):
    dat = ws1.dataset_full.all_param_l[:,dim]
    t0 = trend(dat)
    all_t = [trend(dat[permutation(len(dat))]) for rep in range(ninner)]
    all_ts = [trend(cy_ar_similar(dat)) for rep in range(ninner)]
    print "param", dim, ", randomized: delta in stds:", (t0 - mean(all_t)) /  std(all_t),     
    qtr = array(all_t)
    print " in quantiles:", (argmin(abs(qtr - t0)) + 1) / float(ninner)    
    print "param", dim, ", ar_similar: delta in stds:", (t0 - mean(all_ts)) /  std(all_ts), 
    qtr = array(all_ts)
    print " in quantiles:", (argmin(abs(qtr - t0)) + 1) / float(ninner)    

print "right IC:"
for dim in range(3):
    dat = ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_r[:,dim]
    t0 = trend(dat)
    all_t = [trend(dat[permutation(len(dat))]) for rep in range(ninner)]
    all_ts = [trend(cy_ar_similar(dat)) for rep in range(ninner)]
    print "param", dim, ", randomized: delta in stds:", (t0 - mean(all_t)) /  std(all_t),     
    qtr = array(all_t)
    print " in quantiles:", (argmin(abs(qtr - t0)) + 1) / float(ninner)    
    print "param", dim, ", ar_similar: delta in stds:", (t0 - mean(all_ts)) /  std(all_ts), 
    qtr = array(all_ts)
    print " in quantiles:", (argmin(abs(qtr - t0)) + 1) / float(ninner)

print "left IC:"
for dim in range(3):
    dat = ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_l[:,dim]
    t0 = trend(dat)
    all_t = [trend(dat[permutation(len(dat))]) for rep in range(ninner)]
    all_ts = [trend(cy_ar_similar(dat)) for rep in range(ninner)]
    print "param", dim, ", randomized: delta in stds:", (t0 - mean(all_t)) /  std(all_t),
    qtr = array(all_t)
    print " in quantiles:", (argmin(abs(qtr - t0)) + 1) / float(ninner)
    print "param", dim, ", ar_similar: delta in stds:", (t0 - mean(all_ts)) /  std(all_ts),
    qtr = array(all_ts)
    print " in quantiles:", (argmin(abs(qtr - t0)) + 1) / float(ninner)

In [ ]:
# build surrogate data

dat = ws1.dataset_full.all_param_r[:, 0]

def gettrend(dat):
    return dat - fda.dt_movingavg(dat, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)    

vc_d = [cy_ar_similar(dat) for x in range(100)]
vc = [gettrend(x) for x in vc_d]
vc = vstack(vc).T
vc_d = vstack(vc_d).T

In [ ]:
ax1 = subplot(2,1,2)

for rep in range(vc.shape[1]):
    plot(vc[:,rep],'b,', lw=1, markersize=1 )#  alpha=.1) #25)

plot(vc[:2,0], 'b.', markersize=2, label='surrogate data')
plot(gettrend(dat), 'r.', markersize=3, label='experimental data')

ax1.set_yticks([170, 180,]) # 170])
ax1.set_ylim(163, 187)
ax1.set_title('trend of leg stiffness')

ax2 = subplot(2,1,1)
for rep in range(vc_d.shape[1]):
    plot(vc_d[:,rep],'b,', lw=1, alpha=.5) #25)

plot(vc_d[:2,0], 'b.', markersize=2, label='surrogate data')
plot(dat, 'r.', markersize=3, label='experimental data')

ax2.set_yticks([125, 150, 175, 200,225])
ax2.set_ylim(115, 225)

import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 9

import matplotlib.font_manager as fmt
FM = fmt.FontManager()
fnt = FM.findfont('Arial')
fp = fmt.FontProperties(fname=fnt)

leg = legend()
for label in leg.get_texts():

ylabel('relative leg stiffness [Nm/kg]')

title('leg stiffness for individual right steps')

ax1.set_xlabel('stride number')

savefig('img/trends_example_s{}.png'.format(conf.subject), dpi=300)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
print "magnitude of trend vs. locals"
print std(gettrend(dat)) / std(fda.dt_movingavg(dat, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter))

print "magnitude of trend vs. locals (one surrogate)"
rat = array([std(gettrend(vc_d[:, dim])) / std(fda.dt_movingavg(vc_d[:, dim], conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)) 
       for dim in range(vc_d.shape[1])])
print mean(rat), "+-", std(rat)

In [ ]:

Step 4: compute trend statistics using surrogate data


  1. perform regression on data
  2. make prediction
  3. compute residuals
  4. analyze residuals:
    • compute variance as function of window length for (original) residuals
    • compute variance as function of window length for shuffled residuals
  5. create figure?


In [ ]:
# configuration
c = mio.saveable()
c.useLast = True
c.useMedian = False
#c.dt_win = 30
c.dt_median = False
c.dt = False
c.vis_all = False

# compute variance as function of window length (function definition)
def wvar(data, wlen, useLast=False, useMedian=False):
    s = data.shape[0]
    n = 0
    v = []
    pos = 0
    while pos < s - 1:
        if (pos + wlen > s) and not useLast:
        v.append(var(data[pos:pos+wlen,...], axis=0, ddof=1))
        pos += wlen
    if useMedian:
        return median(vstack(v), axis=0)
    return mean(vstack(v), axis=0)

In [ ]:
# load and preprocess data
kar = ws1.k.get_kin_apex(ws1.dataset_full.all_phases_r)
kal = ws1.k.get_kin_apex(ws1.dataset_full.all_phases_l)
kar = hstack(kar)[2:,:].T
kal = hstack(kal)[2:,:].T
kar -= mean(kar, axis=0)
kal -= mean(kal, axis=0)

Regression model

$k_{ar}^T = A_l k_{al}^T + \epsilon $
$ \to A_l = k_{ar}^T (k_{al}^T)^- $
$ \to A_l^T = k_{al}^-k_{ar}$

In [ ]:
dt_lengths = [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50] #0: no detrending
nwin = 20 # different window lenghts
nboot = 50 # iterations for permutations

all_nwv2 = []
all_wv1 = []

for dt_len in dt_lengths:
    if dt_len > 0:
        print "dt_len", 2*dt_len + 1
        kal_dt = fda.dt_movingavg(kal, dt_len, c.dt_median)
        kar_dt = fda.dt_movingavg(kar, dt_len, c.dt_median)    
        print "no detrending"
        kal_dt = kal
        kar_dt = kar        
    # regression:
    Al = dot(pinv(kal_dt[:-1,:], rcond=1e-12), kar_dt[1:,:]).T
    Ar = dot(pinv(kar_dt, rcond=1e-12), kal_dt).T

    # predictions 
    pred_r = dot(Al, kal_dt[:-1,:].T).T
    pred_l = dot(Ar, kar_dt.T).T
    resid_r = kar_dt[1:,:] - pred_r
    resid_l = kal_dt - pred_l
    wlens = logspace(.7,3,nwin).astype(int)
    # compute for original data
    wv1 = vstack([wvar(resid_l, wl, c.useLast, c.useMedian)  for wl in wlens])
    # compute for shuffled residuals
    nwv2 = []
    import sys
    print "=" * nboot
    for rep in range(nboot):
        resid_l_p = resid_l[permutation(resid_l.shape[0]),:]
        nwv2.append(vstack([wvar(resid_l_p, wl, c.useLast, c.useMedian)  for wl in wlens]))    
    print "\ndone"

In [ ]:
# visualize
import mutils.plotting as muplt
cols = muplt.colorset_distinct

for dim in [0, 2, 6, 15, 20]:

    scale = mean(all_nwv2[0][:,:,dim])
    for nr in range(len(all_nwv2)):
        wv1 = all_wv1[nr]
        nwv2 = all_nwv2[nr]
        subplot(len(all_nwv2), 1, nr+1)
        lbl1 = "None" if dt_lengths[nr] < 1 else "{} frames".format(dt_lengths[nr] * 2 + 1)
        semilogx(wlens,wv1[:,dim]/scale, color=cols[nr], marker='d', ls='None')
        #semilogx(wlens,wv2[:,dim]/scale,'b.', label='shuffled residuals')
        semilogx(wlens, mean(nwv2[:,:,dim], axis=0)/scale, color=cols[nr], label=lbl1)
        semilogx(wlens, (mean(nwv2[:,:,dim], axis=0) + std(nwv2[:,:,dim], axis=0))/scale, color=cols[nr], ls='--' )
        semilogx(wlens, (mean(nwv2[:,:,dim], axis=0) - std(nwv2[:,:,dim], axis=0))/scale, color=cols[nr], ls='--')
        semilogx([2,1500], [1,1],'k--')
        if nr == 0:
            if dim == 0:
                co_str = 'CoM height'
            elif dim == 2:
                co_str = 'lat. pos. of right ankle'            
            elif dim == 6:
                co_str = 'lat. pos. of left ankle'
            elif dim == 15:
                co_str = 'horiz. pos. of right ankle'
            elif dim == 20:
                co_str = 'horiz. pos. of left ankle'
            title(''.join(['subject {}: '.format(conf.subject),
                'variance of {} as function of window length for different detrendings'.format(co_str),
                ' (lines: shuffled residuals)']))
        if nr == len(all_nwv2) - 1:
            xlabel('length of window for each variance computation')
        if nr==2:
            ylabel('normalized variance')
        ylim(.80, 1.1)
    savefig('img/dt_s{}d{}.pdf'.format(conf.subject, dim))

below: for right step ("ugly" version)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
resid_r_p = resid_r[permutation(resid_r.shape[0]),:]

wv1r = [wvar(resid_r, wl)  for wl in range(5,500)]
wv2r = [wvar(resid_r_p, wl)  for wl in range(5,500)]

In [ ]:
plot(wv1r / mean(wv2r),'r',wv2r/mean(wv2r),'b')

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
var(randn(1000), )

In [ ]: